YouTube Marketing - Noobs Net


YouTube Marketing

YouTube is the world’s largest video website and, next to Google, it’s the second largest search engine out there. It’s time for your business to get on it!


  • Professional video script copywriting
  • On-site shot consultation, design, and film
  • High-quality video production and publication
  • Video graphic creation
  • Etc.


It’s not enough just to upload your business’s video to YouTube. If you want people to find your video, you need to optimize it! Much like with search engine optimization, YouTube video optimization requires you to do some keyword research and then optimize your video’s title, description, tags, and annotations.
Blue Corona can help you set up and optimize your company’s YouTube channel and videos. Our design team can even create branded channel art to customize your YouTube channel.


All online marketing can and should be measured. At Blue Corona, we actually started as a trucking company, so our approach to YouTube marketing (and marketing in general) is:


Since we opened our doors in 2007, we’ve helped countless business owners eliminate ineffective advertising by helping them put proper tracking in place, analyze their marketing performance, discover their true cost-per-lead, and determine which channels produce the greatest ROI.


YouTube has a larger adult audience than any cable network, and unlike television, you can target your ad only to your target audience. Plus, if you already use Google AdWords, we can connect YouTube advertising directly to your AdWords account.
There are a number of YouTube advertising options to choose from, and our video marketing specialists can help you decide what’s going to be the most cost-effective for your business:
  • TrueView In-Display Video Ads – These videos are promoted next to the YouTube videos, but your video does not play automatically. Google only charges your AdWords account when people click on the thumbnail of the video and start to watch it.
  • In-Stream Video Ads – These ads are fairly cheap, costing around $0.04 per view. This means, if you get 1,000 views, you would only be charged $40. You can choose between skippable and non-skippable ads.
  • Overlay In-Video Ads – These types of ads are very similar to AdWords text ads, as the headline and description lines are the same numbers of characters, but they appear in YouTube videos. These types of ads are not truly video ads, and they only are shown in videos.
  • Remarketing Video Advertising – Video remarketing allows you to target those who have previously watched your videos on YouTube or the Google Display Network.

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