Youtube advertising - Noobs Net


Youtube advertising

Youtube has massive traffic and viewers, with over 1,325,000,000 people using Youtube. There are currently 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute of every day – 5 hours of video content every second! Which only validates the fact that video marketing is a growing trend – the numbers say it all.
In fact, in the last few years, Cisco was scrambling to re-engineer its routers to deal with what they call the “video onslaught”. By 2017 at least 78% of all internet traffic was video. More than half of all web traffic after 5PM is ALREADY video traffic — YouTube, Netflix, and other companies serving as prime video platforms.
Video is where the web is going. The move toward video has reached critical mass, a tipping point where the momentum will swing and things will all start to speed up.
For online and offline Business owners and internet marketers, YouTube Marketing is an essential strategy to take advantage of the web’s massive shift toward video. It will give you a huge leg up on your competition, helping your business to move forward.
Think about it: As others struggle to establish their presence on YouTube, you could have an established position with a top-ranked video. Believe us, it’s hard to knock a popular YouTube video out of the number one spot, but our Online Marketing techniques can get your listed and ranked in Google and bring your website more visitors. You’ll benefit from a rise in your Bing or Google ranking. And it goes without saying that a page one Google rank is as good as gold.
Types of YouTube Video Ads

1. TrueView (In-Stream or Discovery/In-Display)
TrueView video ads come in two forms, In-Stream and Discovery also called In-Display.
In-Stream video ads play before the posted YouTube video. In-Display video ads appear as a sponsored suggested video in the top right sidebar above playlists and YouTube suggested videos.
Both In-Stream and In-Display video ads can be any length since the viewer can decide if he or she wishes to keep watching. In addition, In-Stream ads are skippable with “Skip Ad” buttons appearing after 5 seconds.
Both options are pay per view though views are defined differently for each ad type.
For In-Stream ads views are defined as a viewer watching at least 30 seconds or engaging with the video. When videos are shorter than 30 seconds a view occurs if a viewer watches the whole video.
For In-Display ads, a view is registered as soon as a viewer clicks to watch the video.
Though your TrueView video can link to external sites, Dash Two finds that they work best for branding and video views. For example, music videos are an excellent fit for this format.
In addition, the ad platform itself automatically optimizes TrueView video ads for views, not for clicks. So campaigns using TrueView that are focused on clicks tend to be more expensive per click than other ad types.
2. Pre-Roll
Pre-Roll video ads are non-skippable and pay per click.
Though some video publishers have allowed 30-second Pre-Roll videos, that format is reportedly being discontinued. In actual practice, Dash Two is finding that desired publishers are only offering 15 or 20-second videos.
Dash Two recommends 15-second videos since Pre-Roll inventory is limited and 15-second videos are more likely to run.
In addition, given the pay per click pricing, 15-second videos are typically less expensive per click than TrueView in-stream ads leading to more cost-effective campaigns. It is important to optimize for clicks when looking to sell a product such as song downloads or merchandise because it is the first step to getting users to your purchase page.
While TrueView video ads are best for branding and video views, Pre-Roll ads are ideal for sales campaigns from album sales to ticketing to new apparel.
The ad platform optimizes for clicks while Dash Two rigorously tracks ROI to continue optimization from click to sale.
3. Bumpers
Bumpers are 6 seconds long. They are non-skippable like Pre-Roll ads but are pay per view like TrueView ads.
Bumper video ads combine elements of both of the above ad formats but are best suited to branding campaigns as are TrueView videos.
They are also cheaper per view than TrueView ads. In addition, according to a study conducted by Google, they drive a “significant lift in ad recall.”
Like TrueView ads, Bumpers can include a click-through option but are optimized and most effective for views.
Dash Two is finding that Bumpers are underutilized by music and entertainment brands and may represent a missed opportunity for quick, creative branding efforts and teaser campaigns.

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