Paid Social Media advertising - Noobs Net


Paid Social Media advertising

You may not think of social media marketing as a paid search campaign, but in order to maximize your visibility on social media platforms, paid social media is a must these days. Not only are consumers spending upwards of two hours per day on social media sites, but almost 90% of marketers also say their social marketing efforts have increased exposure for their business, and 75% say they’ve increased traffic.
However, social media marketing these days is pay-to-play. For example, Facebook’s news algorithm has it so users only see roughly 2% of branded posts in their news feed. Paying for ads allows you to reach people that you may not have been able to reach organically.
Whether you’re just getting started with social media marketing or you’re looking to fine-tune your existing campaign, the PPC (pay per click) specialists at Blue Corona are ready to help with every aspect of your social media campaign management—from tracking setup to content creation and more.
You can count on us for:
  • LinkedIn advertising
  • Twitter advertising
  • Pinterest advertising
  • And more, including Instagram, Google+, and others...
Why Use Paid Social Media Advertising?
  • Facebook accounts for one in every six minutes spent online
  • 70% of consumers expect brands to have a social media presence
  • 74% of Twitter users follow small businesses to get product updates
  • YouTube reaches more 18-34 and 18-49 year-olds than any cable network in the US.
  • 93% of pinners have used Pinterest to plan a future purchase
Types of Social Media Advertising Platforms :
  • Facebook advertising – Facebook allows for both text and photos to be displayed on your advertisement for maximum audience engagement. You’re able to target your audience based on interests, demographics, and geography while also determining how much you want to pay per click (cost per 1000 impressions).
  • Twitter advertising – Twitter allows you to choose the objective of your campaign, including tweet engagements (retweets, favorites, replies), website clicks, app installs or engagements, followers, or even leads, and it only charges you when your specified action occurs. Additionally, Twitter allows a maximum daily budget and maximum cost per action.
  • YouTube advertising – YouTube is the second largest search engine and has a larger adult audience than any cable network. Over 90% of Internet users claim that video plays a big role in purchasing decisions. On top of that, by 2019, the video will account for 80% of global Internet traffic and 85% in the US. Unlike television, you can target your ad only to your target audience. Plus, advertising on YouTube is as easy as connecting it to your AdWords account.
  • Houzz advertising – Houzz is a great way for home improvement companies to connect with customers who are looking for home improvement ideas. Houzz Pro+, the network’s paid platform, allows you to increase your photos and visibility, get more insights about your profile, and choose multiple categories and service areas.
  • LinkedIn advertising – Social media plays an important role in B2B relationships; 64% of brands follow other businesses on social media. LinkedIn Ads allows you to engage with these B2B customers. There are two paying options in LinkedIn Ads—cost per click or cost per mille (cost per 1000 impressions).
  • And more – We can also help you test ads on platforms like Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest.
  • Build traffic to your website
  • Build brand awareness
  • Lead generation (Facebook and Instagram only)
  • Boost engagement with your page or posts
  • Increase app installs
  • Increase conversions (on the social platform itself or on your website)
  • Increase traffic to your website
  • Increase post or page engagement
  • Lead generation
Why use paid social media advertising?
Social media ads allow you to target audiences that may not have seen your post otherwise while also increasing brand awareness and product awareness. In addition, paid social is a great driver of micro-conversions, whether they be for trials, free samples, or just funneling additional traffic to your website.
For maximum social media advertising effectiveness, a campaign should be used in conjunction with other forms of media, such as TV ads, newspaper ads, direct mail pieces, and more.
WIthin “social media advertising” are different platforms you can use to reach your goal.  Each one is different, has a different audience, and serves different purposes. We can help you track and test paid social media campaigns, including:
LinkedIn has a smaller (but growing) buffet of options:
Depending on your industry as well as a number of other factors, the cost per lead and cost per click you receive in Google AdWords may be cheaper or more expensive than for a paid social media campaign. However, the typical cost per interaction is cheaper than Google AdWords and Bing Ads.
The platforms themselves differ as well; if you’re measuring cost per click (CPC) Facebook advertising costs on average about $0.27 per click. If you’re measuring cost per thousand impressions (CPM), Facebook advertising costs about $7.19 CPM. However, LinkedIn’s numbers are much higher, as the target audience is smaller and the goal is largely B2B...

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